In February 2019, ElkhartCares was nominated for “Non-Profit of The Year” by The Elkhart Lake Chamber of Commerce.

“ElkhartCares is a community-based
organization that seeks to empower its
beneficiaries, “building a community
where the power of goodwill keeps on
giving”. ElkhartCares focuses on provid-
ing assistance to individuals and families
who are striving to achieve a happier and
healthier life.

In just a little over a year of being a
501(c)3 non-profit, it’s hard to believe how
much has already been done to support
the community of Elkhart Lake and its
surrounding regions thanks to the gener-
osity of time and spirit from ElkhartCares

– Depot Dispatch, July 2019


“In small communities like Elkhart Lake,
neighbors watch out for and support
each other. Community support
organization, ElkhartCares, has grown
from those attitudes. ElkhartCares
founder Deborah Blain points to the true
neighbors-helping-neighbors attitude
that exists in this town as the inspiration
for this charitable organization.”

– Mike Matches

– Depot Dispatch, July 2019


“Elkhart Lake–Glenbeulah Schools…are providing
hot meals seven days a week for entire families
who were hard-hit by the COVID-19 pandemic’s
economic impacts. In addition, the district
is giving these families gift cards for groceries,
cleaning supplies, and personal hygiene items
while partnering with ElkhartCares.”

– Sarah Hall

– The Sheboygan Falls, 2020
